Hindu Economic Forum

Hindu Economic Forum brings together various Hindu business to enable their rapid growth and success. It encourages synergies and promotes businesses based on the Hindu values. We believe these values are empowering our members to develop their spirituality, guiding them in personal and business development as effective learners and good citizens. By completing this form, you fully agree and accept Hindu Values, follow WhatsApp group rules and authorise us to register your business details in Hindu Business Directory (hindubusinessdiectory.com.au)

Add new business


Business Name*

Company Details

Business Name

First Name

Last Name

No of year in Operation (Since how long you are in this business)


Type Of Business (Product & Services Offered)*

Name of the Person (from HEF) Referring your Business

Contact info


Phone number 1 (optional)

Phone number 2 (optional)

Website (optional)


Opening hours


Featured image

Gallery Images (optional)

Video (optional)

By submitting this form, you fully agree to follow Hindu Values's and WhatsApp Guidelines and Rules of the group.

  1. HEF's objective is to promote Hindu eco-systemic and businesses.
    Please don’t exhibit rude or disrespectful behaviour at any individual or group. 
  2. This group shall not be used to express personal opinions or post private messages. Don’t spam with unnecessary chains and forward messages, Individual chatting, self-promotions, wishes etc.
  3. If your message is not relevant to the majority of the group members, please send the message directly to the relevant person rather than sending it to the entire group.If you have any suggestions or grievance, please request them in private with in-person meeting.
  4. No argument with anyone on WhatsApp group. If you do want to argue with an individual, please call on his/her phone, visit his/her private chat and put forward your opinions.
  5. Announcement of any event in this group about the other third party groups, needs approval from Committee before circulation.
  6. Delinquent members will be removed from the group.